What Is Tonal Chiropractic and How Can It Help Chronic Pain?

Tonal techniques are among the most gentle in chiropractic and often include very light adjustments to the body (though some of us do still use manual adjustments). Doctors who practice tonal techniques also tend to also incorporate cranial, visceral (meaning organs and guts), and in some cases, energy work into their practice.

The Negative Effects of Social Distancing—Plus Tips on How to Beat Feelings of Isolation

In an attempt to staunch the spread of COVID-19, we have placed a variety of barriers between people. There’s the barrier of masks, the barrier of distance—working from home, “social distancing” protocols—the barrier of screens as we conduct nearly all meetings through video, the barrier of plexiglass that now appears in every store, coffee shop, and restaurant.

Why Providers Need Doctors Too: The Importance of Maintaining a Doctor-Patient Relationship

As providers, it’s easy to feel that we should know how to take care of ourselves and our own health (“doctor, heal thy self” being the common mantra that it is). But it’s not about what you do or don’t know, or how good of a provider you are to others. Providers need doctors too—here’s why.

What Is Hypermobility and How Can It Impact Chronic Pain?

Hypermobility exists on a wide ranging spectrum. Mild cases of hypermobility are actually quite common and can exist in just some joints or in all joints. In many of these mild cases, it causes no problems at all, and in some cases can actually be beneficial—think dancers, gymnasts, or grease men in crime movies (I’m thinking of the Amazing Yen from Ocean’s 11).

How do you learn to relax on your days off?

Most business owners are wildly familiar with this sensation, of being exhausted but unable to relax, of knowing that you need a day off but being unable to pull your brain away from work. This is a work in progress for me, as it is for many business owners and entrepreneurs. As such, I called in my business coach to help me answer this question.

What you’re about to read is what happens when a doctor with a neuroscience background and a business coach who specializes in solo-preneurs decide to collaborate. It’s nerdy, thorough, and contains some explicit content.