Why Providers Need Doctors Too: The Importance of Maintaining a Doctor-Patient Relationship

As providers, it’s easy to feel that we should know how to take care of ourselves and our own health (“doctor, heal thy self” being the common mantra that it is). But it’s not about what you do or don’t know, or how good of a provider you are to others. Providers need doctors too—here’s why.

How to Talk to Your Doctor: Tips to Get the Care You Need

Because I know how hard it can be to have a conversation with any new healthcare provider, I’m sharing my tips for how to talk to your doctor. These guidelines can make any provider-patient interaction just a little smoother, so you can have the opportunity to receive the consideration and care that you deserve.

Fact or Fiction: Tips to Evaluating Scientific Studies and Evidence

Fact or Fiction: Tips to Evaluating Scientific Studies and Evidence

Have you ever noticed that scientific evidence seems to say something different every day? It’s particularly evident in our current COVID-19 situation, with conflicting information circulating around the prevalence, danger of, care for, and prevention of the virus. But COVID seems to be highlighting an ongoing issue—who or what can we trust when it comes to scientific studies?