What Is Tonal Chiropractic and How Can It Help Chronic Pain?

Tonal techniques are among the most gentle in chiropractic and often include very light adjustments to the body (though some of us do still use manual adjustments). Doctors who practice tonal techniques also tend to also incorporate cranial, visceral (meaning organs and guts), and in some cases, energy work into their practice.

The Negative Effects of Social Distancing—Plus Tips on How to Beat Feelings of Isolation

In an attempt to staunch the spread of COVID-19, we have placed a variety of barriers between people. There’s the barrier of masks, the barrier of distance—working from home, “social distancing” protocols—the barrier of screens as we conduct nearly all meetings through video, the barrier of plexiglass that now appears in every store, coffee shop, and restaurant.

Fact or Fiction: Tips to Evaluating Scientific Studies and Evidence

Fact or Fiction: Tips to Evaluating Scientific Studies and Evidence

Have you ever noticed that scientific evidence seems to say something different every day? It’s particularly evident in our current COVID-19 situation, with conflicting information circulating around the prevalence, danger of, care for, and prevention of the virus. But COVID seems to be highlighting an ongoing issue—who or what can we trust when it comes to scientific studies?

9 Activities You Didn’t Know Can Boost Your Immune System

With kids back in school, cooler weather approaching, and more activities taking place indoors, the not-so-welcome cold and flu season is also upon us. This year in particular, with our extreme alertness to anything viral and/or respiratory, it’s more necessary that we keep ourselves aware of the possibility of getting sick—and be proactive about taking steps to keep ourselves healthy.

How Breathing Impacts Your Mood, Energy Levels, and Body Functions

How Breathing Impacts Your Mood, Energy Levels, and Body Functions

Take a second to think about your breath. What does it feel like right now? The way most of us breathe is quick, shallow, and often through our mouths. We do this because it’s the only way to continue breathing when our chest and abdomen are constricted by forward posture (working at a computer). Add to that that our pelvic movement is restricted by sitting all day, and our airways are restricted by poor overall development, allergies, and chronic breathing ailments like asthma—and this restricted breathing pattern is a necessary solution to a set of poor conditions.

We're Terrible Breathers—4 Ways to Breathe Better Right Now

We're Terrible Breathers—4 Ways to Breathe Better Right Now

Breathing is one of our body’s core functions. It is both incredibly simple to do and infinitely complex in its variations. There are many, many breathing techniques that can serve a multitude of purposes—and in the current culture, breathwork is coming we could all use a little more of. You can use it to calm your mind and body, diffuse panic attacks, increase your alertness, promote weight loss (it turns out that we actually lose weight as we exhale—more on that another time), achieve spiritual breakthroughs, and get hallucinogenic highs… all without the aid of drugs or supplements. So how can you utilize your breath? We’ve got four tips you can try today.