9 Activities You Didn’t Know Can Boost Your Immune System

With kids back in school, cooler weather approaching, and more activities taking place indoors, the not-so-welcome cold and flu season is also upon us. This year in particular, with our extreme alertness to anything viral and/or respiratory, it’s more necessary that we keep ourselves aware of the possibility of getting sick—and be proactive about taking steps to keep ourselves healthy.

5 Steps to Deal With Chronic Stress During COVID (and Beyond)

Our bodies are built to handle immediate and short-lived challenges. What tends to wear us down are the long-lasting challenges. And the most insidious ones are the long-lasting, low-grade challenges—their effects are almost never immediate, but build up over time.

But what exactly is chronic stress—and why does it matter? Let’s define it, and help you figure out how to best deal with it, now and beyond COVID-19.